# Keyboard Shortcuts

# Bliss OS Keyboard Shortcuts:


  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open up Power Menu
  • Alt + Tab: Switch to last app in stack (Holding Alt, and repeatedly pressing tab will scroll through recent apps)
  • Win: Home key
  • Alt + Esc: Back
  • Prtsc: Create Screenshot


  • Spacebar: Page down in any Web page/document view
  • Shift + Spacebar: Page up in any Web page/document view


  • Alt + Spacebar: Insert a special character
  • Shift + Del: Delete the character to the right of the cursor
  • Alt + Del: Delete an entire line
  • Shift + Shift (press it twice): Activate caps-lock; press shift once more to exit
  • Alt + Trackball-Left: Move cursor to beginning of line
  • Alt + Trackball-Right: Move cursor to end of line
  • Alt + Trackball-Up: Move cursor to top of page
  • Alt + Trackball-Down: Move cursor to bottom of page
  • Shift + Trackball-Left/Right: Highlight text for cutting or copying
  • Ctrl + X: Cut text (will cut all text on-screen unless specific characters are highlighted)
  • Ctrl + C: Copy text to clipboard (will copy all text on-screen unless specific characters are highlighted)
  • Ctrl + V: Paste text from clipboard
  • Ctrl + A: Select all text in the current field


  • Ctrl + I: Zoom in
  • Ctrl + O: Zoom out
  • Ctrl + J: Go back a page
  • Ctrl + K: Go forward a page
  • Ctrl + R: Refresh current page
  • Ctrl + F: Find on page
  • Ctrl + B: Open bookmarks
  • Ctrl + S: Open social network sharing menu
  • Ctrl + H: View browsing history
  • Ctrl + S: Open browser settings


  • F: Forward current message (works only while inside the message)
  • R: Reply to current message (works only while inside the message)
  • A: Reply-all to current message (works only while inside the message)
  • Y: Archive message (works from within message or while on main inbox list)
  • Ctrl + U: Refresh inbox
  • Ctrl + C: Compose new e-mail
  • Enter: Open an e-mail (from the main inbox list)
  • Alt + Trackball-Up: Jump to top of inbox
  • Alt + Trackball-Down: Jump to bottom of inbox


  • Win + B: Open browser
  • Win + C: Open contacts
  • Win + E: Open e-mail
  • Win + G: Open Gmail
  • Win + I: Open calendar
  • Win + M: Open maps
  • Win + P: Open music
  • Win + S: Open text messaging
  • Win + Y: Open YouTube